Urgent Care


When unexpected illness or injuries arise, knowing where to turn can make a stressful situation easier to navigate. For those residents of the Phoenix, Arizona metro area who rely on Suhir Bitar, MD, of At Home Pediatric Medicine Concierge, for health services, urgent care is just a call or click away. If you or a loved one needs prompt medical attention, call the office to see if a same-day visit is available, or book online any time of day.

urgent pediatric care Phoenix
  • What is the purpose of urgent care?

    Urgent care is a health service designed to meet time-sensitive health needs without a trip to the emergency room. Dr. Bitar chose to include urgent care among the services on offer at At Home Pediatric Medicine Concierge because she recognized a need that many families face.
    You can certainly bring your child to an urgent care center or emergency room. However, emergency rooms are designed to prioritize the patients with the most serious needs. You can find yourself waiting in a crowded, uncomfortable setting for hours while your child waits to be seen.
    Not to mention the fact that emergency rooms and urgent care waiting areas are filled with people who are sick. The risk of contracting an illness is elevated, even if you take care to wear a mask and have your child wash their hands frequently.
    Dr. Bitar offers home visits to address most urgent care needs. This means your child can relax in the setting where they’re most comfortable while receiving outstanding care from a provider they already know and trust.

  • What kinds of issues can be treated in an urgent care setting?

    Many different conditions can be effectively diagnosed and treated during an urgent care visit. Some of the reasons parents reach out to schedule an appointment include:
    ● Fever● Cold and flu symptoms● Nausea and vomiting● Sports injuries● Allergic reactions● Lethargy in infants● Animal or insect bites or stings● Lacerations or abrasions
    Dr. Bitar will assess your child and determine if more in-depth health screenings are needed. The goal during urgent care in-home visits is to help kids feel better as quickly as possible and ease parental anxiety.

  • How do I know if urgent care is the right fit for my needs?

    There are cases in which the best course of action is to head to the nearest emergency room. Hospital emergency rooms are equipped with the technology and specialists needed to address life-threatening health problems.
    Some of the issues that should prompt you to seek emergency medical care for your child include:
    ● Chest pain● Shortness of breath● Asthma attack● Loss of consciousness● Suspected poisoning● Thoughts of self-harm
    If you’re unsure of the best way to meet your child’s health needs, you’re welcome to call At Home Pediatric Medicine Concierge during normal business hours to discuss your concerns. Online booking is also an option and is available 24 hours a day.


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